Welcome to EatingAZ!

I love to eat. That is the basis of all present and future discussions on this website. Like many Arizona transplants, long time Texan here, I was excited to get immersed in the culture of Arizona and particualy Phoenix where I now live. I am from Dallas, where the food scene from Tex-Mex to BBQ to haute dining is amazing. For context, some of my favorites in Dallas are Uchi, Monarch, the Charles, and Gemma! I moved during COVID, and so the dream of eating my way through Phoenix was delayed, but when it comes to eating, I am committed! I am going to share with you my favorites of the Valley and the state, and hopefully keep providing new recommnedations as the scene continues to explode (trust me, I couldn't sleep the night I heard of the upcoming Uchi Scottsdale!). Thanks for joining me on this gastronomic journey!!